Hi, I'm josh.

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What I Do

I try create fun and cool stuff! I am always trying to learn more and add to my skillset.

More about me

I am keen for and actively seek paricipation in open-source projects and to be part of the open-source community. In my free time, I like to expand my knowledge by learning new programming languages and experimenting with new technologies.

My background includes completing a web developer bootcamp.

Top Expertise

Wannabe Fullstack developer with primary focus on JavaScript + React/Svelte

  • JavaScript
  • React/Svelte
  • APIs
  • SASS
  • BASH

Some of my past projects

Celebrant Website

Created a personal business website for a newly qualified celebrant looking to start their career

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Website - Bootstrap Design

Created a website using the Bootstrap framework for the ecommerce look

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React Restaurant App

Online restaurant app using React framework for a sleek design

Weather App API

A weather app with places/cities autocompleted using the GeoDB API and using the OpenWeatherMap API

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React Task Tracker App

React UI as well as JSON-server for the mock backend

Website - The Verse

Design replicating fashion website with sleek CSS styling

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